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Laura Longoni Art

Press articles and Publications
Press article about the art exhibition "Art Beyond Borders" at UNAHOTELS Expo Fiera Milano, organized by PUG - PassepARTout Unconventional Gallery (02nd. - 11th December 2023) on gigarte.com (in Italian).
"Art with flamethrower" - Read the new press article about me, my story and my art in the 26th edition of the annual brochure "Blankenfelde-Mahlow-Kompakt". (Stand November 2023 - Article only in German available).
English Version
Italian Version
Press article about "8. Art Grand Prix for Contemporary Art 2023 by UNAHOTELS Expo Fiera Milano and organized by PUG - PassepARTout Unconventional Gallery (24th June - 03rd July 2023) on gigarte.com
Press article about "8. Art Grand Prix for Contemporary Art 2023 by UNAHOTELS Expo Fiera Milano and organized by PUG - PassepARTout Unconventional Gallery (24th June - 03rd July 2023) on gigarte.com